Counseling Methods Offered

Online Counseling

We use a HIPAA-compliant service to provide online video counseling to support you if you are unable to come into the office. Online counseling has been helpful for our clients who have issues with transportation, scheduling, lack of childcare, or health concerns, especially during the current pandemic.

Community Based Counseling

We’ve found that some clients prefer face to face contact, just not in the traditional office-based setting. Community-Based Counseling gives you access to professional counseling at your preferred location. Some clients prefer to meet while walking in the community, either downtown or on one of the many local trails. Many children and adolescents prefer meeting at the basketball court, grabbing a slice of pizza, or getting ice cream. This supports their comfort level and helps to build a close relationship. 

We also offer the option of meeting with your existing community supports, such as attending CSE meetings at local schools, or meeting with mental health treatment teams at Cornell and Ithaca College, or with your doctor. This helps us advocate for your needs and connect with your service providers, allowing for continuation of services.   

In-Home Counseling

(Due to COVID-19, we are not offering in-home counseling at this time.)

In special circumstances, we offer in-home counseling. We have found in-home counseling to be most effective and helpful when the mental health condition itself does not allow for traditional office based or online counseling. It can also be beneficial when providing family counseling. 

Tompkins Alternative Counseling has a contract with the VA to provide FREE mental health counseling for all active-duty service members, members of the National Guard and Reserve, and Veterans. We are able to extend this care to their partner and their children as well. We support veterans and their family to address conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, anger management, and much more. Treatment is individually tailored and not time limited to ensure that your needs are addressed. If you are interested, please fill out a referral form on this website.

FREE Counseling
For Veterans &
Their Families